Launching a successful startup is ripe with cut-throat challenges from all aspects — from struggling to find employees that fit the culture and environment of your startup to having extreme difficulties managing and keeping track of all the operations — but don’t worry, because we have 7 tools that you can utilize that will make all that stress seem like a walk on the beach.
Scouring through a bunch of CVs is nothing more than bureaucratic and a waste of your precious time. Registering your workplace gives job seekers a virtual door to your office. By formulating an image of your core mission and culture, you attract all the right people to the right vacancies. Without the stress of searching frantically, Bahraini job seekers will be coming to your door, and the best part is that you’re actively helping reduce the gap in youth unemployment in Bahrain, so sign up now!
- Find all that Bahraini talent you’ve been looking for at Majra. Scouring through a bunch of CVs is nothing more than bureaucratic and a waste of your precious time. Registering your workplace gives job seekers a virtual door to your office. By formulating an image of your core mission and culture, you attract all the right people to the right vacancies. Without the stress of searching frantically, Bahraini job seekers will be coming to your door, and the best part is that you’re actively helping reduce the gap in youth unemployment in Bahrain, so sign up now!
- Manage all of your social media activities in one platform at Zoho. Zoho Social is a complete social media management platform, perfect for your startup. It will help you manage multiple social channels, schedule unlimited posts, monitor keywords, and collaborate with your team—all from a single dashboard. It can even schedule your posts for specific times when your audience is more active or when you’re out of the office, a content calendar to visualize all of your pipeline posts and the first class social analytics tool to understand your audience and their popular engagements. No longer will you have to fret in getting the word out or capturing the right audience with Zoho.
- Get your team hydrated with GetBaqala. Order groceries and daily essentials for the office through a few taps and you will see a delivery boy knocking on your door! With the summer’s extreme heat, it is even more important to stay hydrated and sign up for a water bottle subscription through GetBaqala for your employees, they’ll be sure to thank you! You can download the app here.
- Proofread with Grammarly. Every employee and startup founder requires some writing skills so that you can get your message across. Your writing is bound to be perfect with Grammarly, which is a necessity that has proven to be very helpful with proofreading grammar mistakes. It’s a robust tool to keep your writing mistake-free through a host of features for any of your pieces, whether it be a social media post or an article!
- Start building on Amazon Web Services. If you don’t have the time for the tech workarounds of your startup, Amazon Web Services will help you out. Whether you’re looking for compute power, database storage, content delivery, or other functionality, AWS has the services to help you build sophisticated applications with increased flexibility, scalability and reliability. Engineered cloud solutions for the most demanding of requirements will sound like a dream once you check out their website here. While you’re at it, you can attend the AWS Summit that’s coming to Bahrain in September, by registering here!
- Get in check with Nural. Put teamwork at your fingertips using Nural through its countless personalized tools that will help you track your milestones, collaborate between your startup’s different operations, securely access your information from anywhere, and schedule your time through multiple productivity tools! No more will you have to be worried sick about forgetting an important meeting or losing an important document, because Nural will help you out in ways you didn’t know you needed.
- Lead you and your employees into an easier life with SINC. Managing employees can get complicated, but it can all be simplified with SINC. SINC is the ultimate technology mobile solution for managing your workforce, through recording staff shifts, tracking staff performance and productivity, generation of detailed reports and much more! You can access it in the office or on the go with full admin functionality and real-time updates. Can you imagine an easier life? We can’t.
Now that we’ve given you our top platforms that you can utilize for your startup, we want to know what your favorites are. Whether it be a time management tool or a productivity enhancement platform, we want to know the life-saving tools that you use that have made your life much easier!