Being a university student is a great experience that you should try to make the most of. Yes, it can get exhausting with all the course load, assignments , and trying to balance a social life with your studies. We’ve all (mostly) been there!
As your go-to platform for all-things-Bahraini-startups, we wanted to help in offloading some of your struggles by sharing some of our tips. After all, you are our future (and current!) startup founders.
While we’re sure you’ve heard it all, the ‘sleep early, to wake up early’, the ‘study your lessons day by day’, and the ‘avoid distractions’ — we know.
But since you’re familiar with the do-s, continue reading for a list of a few don’t-s that we took the liberty of pairing some with startups in Bahrain that could help..
- Don’t make time for yourself.
This might come as a surprise, but not studying can actually help you study (in moderate proportions). If all you spend time doing is piling up information, then you’re likely to forget it, not be able to study more, and ultimately feel even more overwhelmed.
Solution? Schedule yourself some ‘me’ time. Move around and exercise, meet friends (virtually nowadays, because, you know), play some video games, do some journaling, or literally anything that brings you joy.
Some startups to help you with this: Malaeb, Tamarran, Evergo, and The Stories Studio.
- Rely on fast food & takeout.
Do we sound like a WhatsApp mom? Need to start sending good morning broadcasts with pictures of flowers. But in all seriousness, relying on fast food is a bad idea not just from a nutritional aspect and how fast food is unhealthy; it’s actually quite costly to keep spending your money on fast or junk food.
A better alternative would be to prep your own meals, stock up, and cook when you want. It’s time saving, much less expensive, and healthier considering you’d be using fresh ingredients. What’s more is that it gets you away from the stress and let’s you focus on something else, just think of how proud you’ll be of yourself after making healthy delicious meals!
A startup to help you with this: GetBaqala.
- Pay full price.
Again, this is probably another tip that probably got you thinking how?’.You’re a student, unless you have a side-gig, work part time somewhere, or a trust fund, then chances are you’re given an allowance to accommodate your needs.
You shouldn’t pay full price for anything. In case you’re wondering, no, we’re not encouraging anything illegal, but discount platforms are a thing! Make use of the wide variety available in the country and save your $$$.
Some startups to help you with this: The Entertainer, Unipal.
- Don’t get an internship.
You know how some tell you to focus only on your studies and leave internships until after you graduate? Yeah? Don’t listen to them. Internships are essential, more than ever, nowadays to give you a firsthand experience in the workforce. Of course not just any kind of experience: As an intern, there’s less pressure/expectations on you, and more room for you to grow in different areas that aren’t necessarily related to your field of study.
It actually helps you be more prepared for the real world post-graduation, since you’ll be juggling your internship with your studies. Not to mention that it’ll also help you have more credentials in your CV; making it more attractive for when you start applying for full-time positions. Here’s a pro tip: The startup ecosystem is always hiring interns, and is filled with growth opportunities.
Some startups to help you with this: Majra, the monthly newsletter of yours truly.
We hope these tips will help you live your best university life, because like every other student, you deserve it.
Make sure you share your thoughts with us on our social media platforms on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.