Delivering the “perfect” business pitch plays a crucial role in transforming an entrepreneurs dream into tangible reality, with great emphasis on timing, vocabulary and a variety of mechanisms that help sell an idea.
Investors, venture capitalists and the numerous entities that provide platforms for individuals to present their business concepts, listen to an insane amount of sales talk that operates with the purpose of persuading them to finance a business plan.
So, how does one stand out amongst thousands? Well, according to the Founder of Pitch Process, Jose Paul Martin, a renowned private equity investor, and advisor, the secret lies in following the 12 commandments enlisted in what he refers to as the “blueprint” that provides the insight needed to view things like an investor.
Additionally, Pitch Process offers their version of an accelerator program, which is inclusive of mentoring sessions and the ABC’s of finding the right investor as well as receiving the appropriate funding that can help shape and cultivate the roots of a startup, find the right channels for raising capital as well as inspire entrepreneurs to think differently.
The Pitch Process framework targets companies that are currently going after Series A or B funding, as well as those who are growing, since building a company is not one singular practice, but rather, a series of continuous procedures that help elevate its position.
So far, since launching in 2016, Pitch Process has been able to assist over 50 entrepreneurs to actualize their dream, in addition to organizing their thoughts, proceedings, as well as bridging the gap between startups that are seeking funding and investors. With the belief that the main point to focus on should be understanding the mindset of one another and communicating with each other, preferably in terms they comprehend.
If you’re interested in this course, you’re in luck! StartUp Bahrain’s readers get a special discount, you can claim yours right here.
For more about Pitch Process, make sure to visit them on their website, or check out the Founder’s LinkedIn!
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