Press Release
St Christopher’s School staff are using their initiative, skills, and machinery to support Bahrain medical staff on the frontline in the fight against COVID 19.
As the St Christopher’s Senior School campus is currently closed, Head of Senior School Nick Wilson, Assistant Head Bryon Pearce and Head of Design and Technology Kim Chadwick have been inspired to utilise the schools four 3D printers to create face-visors to help protect the Bahraini medical workers caring for COVID-19 patients.
Bryon and Kim spent a day planning and producing the first 3D printed prototypes, then along with DT teachers John Doherty, Aneil Peswani, Martin Plunkett, Assistant Head David Williams, and technician Jibi Varghese, they began working in shifts to get the masks produced.
The visors are made of PVC and each one takes 2 hours to print using a 3D printer. They have been tested with N95’s (respirator masks) underneath to make sure the fittings are correct. The staff used STL files that have been produced in the UK and the US and adapted them for usage in Bahrain. Three variant prototypes were created then tested by local doctors who chose the final design for production.
The first batch has been supplied to BDF Hospital and Awali Cardiac Center today and has been put to use immediately by the medical teams who have been very impressed with the quality. The school will continue to make and supply visors to medical teams in Bahrain for the foreseeable future.