Support Legal, the first law firm focused on startups and entrepreneurs in the Middle East, has just launched a new service called ”ScaleUp”. Its unique digital platform offers free access to legal knowhow, best practices, practical advice and useful documentation. The primary goal of Support Legal is to empower the talented local startup community and to reduce the traditional barriers between lawyers and entrepreneurs. The company charges per assignment, not per hour, and it does not require a subscription or sign-up fees.
Support Legal’s team works on a wide variety of articles addressing every stage of the business cycle, from the beginning to the end. The informative materials answer the most common questions every entrepreneur has about contracts, funding, patents, idea protection, and more.
In addition to that, on the website of ScaleUp one can find basic version of the most frequently used business documents, including non-disclosure agreements, founder term sheets, website terms of use, etc.). The site also features a contract automation software. It allows young entrepreneurs to create their contract by answering sample questionnaires.
Zoë Blakemore, Co-Founder and Principal at Support Legal, and Hannah McKinlay, Principal and Head of Knowledge Management at Support Legal, stated that they wanted to demystify legal services for entrepreneurs and emerging companies and empower them with the fundamental legal knowledge they need to start their businesses with. In their view, the local governments should work towards removing cost barriers to legal services as that would have a significant impact on the startup ecosystem. The founders also added that they are open to feedback and encouraged all the entrepreneurs using their services to get back to them with suggestions and opinions.
Headquartered in the Abu Dhabi Global Market, Support Legal is created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. It is the first law firm in the region to abandon legal fees per hour and to charge per assignment/project. The company continues to grow, and its clients may expect new content in the future, including accounting, VAT, and tax information.