Unipal, a Bahraini platform dedicated to enriching the lives of the Kingdom’s student community, has forged a new alliance with the University College of Bahrain (UCB). This new development follows a similar partnership between Unipal and the American University of Bahrain, as StartUpBahrain recently reported.
With the strategic partnership with UCB in place, Unipal now finds itself in an ideal position to offer tailored discounts and offers to the university’s students. Additionally, Unipal will also be hosting a series of events and workshops to help these students develop skills outside their core academic curriculum.
“It’s exciting to see that one of the oldest educational institutions in Bahrain is modernizing their outlook according to the ever-changing needs of university students,” said Ali Al- Alawi, Managing Director of Unipal, following this announcement.
He added, “The partnership is a testament of UCB’s efforts to further enhance the experience of their students during their time in university. Putting pen to paper sets the scene for UCB’s upcoming initiatives, and we’re excited to be supporting the university in the journey ahead.”
On his part, Dr. Sh. Khalid Bin Mohamed Al Khalifa, Founder, and Chairman of – Board of Trustees has commented upon: “This partnership falls into our mission to provide not only quality education but the best university experience for our students. We understand the importance of the full aspect of the student-lifestyle, and we strive always to be the university of choice.”
Under the new initiative, Unipal will help UCB students create their accounts and digital students’ ID so they can take advantage of the full-spectrum of perks guaranteed by the platform.
Stay up to date with Unipal’s latest news and announcements by checking out their website here. Don’t forget to follow them on their social media platforms on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, too!