Womena, a Dubai-based investment group, has announced that it is launching a new accelerator aimed at helping out female-led tech startups. The announcement came during the launch event for the company’s new media platform dubbed Womedia.
The proposed accelerator will offer virtual membership and immersive sessions in Dubai and Berlin. Willing participants can send in their applications when registration opens later this month, and If all goes as plan, the accelerator will be operational sometime this summer.
“We want to stop hearing the excuse of accelerators that there isn’t enough of a female-led pipeline to feed in their cohort,” said Womena founder Elissa Freiha while addressing the attendees at the Womedia launch event.
The accelerator is tightly knit with Womedia, which will primarily feature video interviews with influential women from all over the world including the MENA region. Freiha also stated that the new accelerator, dubbed Womentum, as well as its participants will be featured in a weekly web series focused on highlighting “the reality of the entrepreneurial life.”
Womentum brands itself as the first female-focused accelerator in the region on a mission to add more female-led successful ventures to the region’s startup ecosystem. It is worth mentioning here that according to a study by ArabNet and Dubai SME, only 14% of startup founders in the Middle East and North Africa are women, which is somewhat lower compared to the 17% global average.