Unipal, a fast-growing discount platform targeting the Bahraini student community, has finally launched its mobile app. With more than 150 discounts and offers at launch, the new development is indeed a promising new development for the student community across the Kingdom.
The discount offers are available across a wide range of products and services such as iMachines, Dose, Wingman, Box it, and many more! Better still, Unipal focuses on offering customized discount offers that you could actually use.
The new Unipal app is currently available for both Android and iOS users.
It is worth noting here that prior to the move, Unipal was seen forging new alliances with major educational institutions across the country including the University College of Bahrain (UCB) and the American University of Bahrain.
As StartUpBahrain recently reported, Unipal also scored a massive gain after Flat6Labs Bahrain and Tenmou joined forces to kick start a follow-on funding round for the startup.